


De winnaars (v.l.n.r.): Daniel DO8FOX, Edwin PE5EDW, Jenny NL12125, Alex PA1FOX, David M3WDD, Michael M6MDD

For detailed results, please visit:

ALL Participants ----->Detailed overall results listing (PDF-file)

Nederlands Kampioenen:
1. Jenny Fijlstra NL12125
2. Edwin Verburg PE5EDW
3. Alex Buurlage PA1FOX


International Champions:
1. David Williams (GBR) M3WDD
2. Daniel Pelinski (DE) DO8FOX
3. Michael Dunbar (GBR) M6MDD


80 band per category
2m band per category
80m Nederlandse klassering
2m Nederlandse klassering
80m Internationale klassering

2m Internationale klassering

(80m Gecombineerde klassering)
(2m Gecombineerde klassering)

80m Fox locations

GPS track animatie (13MB)

2m Fox locations

GPS track animatie (11MB)

GPS-tracks and FjwMap files

(subjected to change without notice)